Sharing knowledge since 1991

75. Brighenti C., Brighenti A., Ricatto M., “Intelligent Plants”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, June 2024

74. Brighenti C., Caudepon Inigo J.,AI-Based Reconfigurable FDIR and Lifetime Prediction for Constellations”, European Data Handling & Data Processing Conference – EDHPC 2023, 2-6 October 2023, Juan Les Pins, France

73. Brighenti A., Brighenti C., Ricatto M., Zorzi A., Evans D. (ESA), “Diagnsotic and prognostic solutions”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, June 2023

72. Brighenti C., Ricatto M., Amoruso L., Carbone M., “Improving satellites constellations monitoring and diagnostics with CASTeC”, 17th International Conference on Space Operations, 6 -10 March 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

71. A. Brighenti, C. Brighenti, M. Ricatto, E. Bellio, “Improving monitoring and diagnostics of complex systems in different application domains with DKM: technical approach and success stories”, 38th International CAE Conference 2022, Venezia, 16-18 November 2022.

70. C. Brighenti, S. Marcu, F. Brighenti, E. van Iperen, M. Hermans, A. Amodio, F. Santoro, P. Zoccarato “The NARAS approach to Earth observation and GNSS data fusion to improve navigation risk assessment”, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022.

69. Brighenti C., Cagnato R., Farinati G., Brighenti A., Schena V., Carletti A., Pelillo M., Vascon S., Torcinovich A., Cinà A., Gandini E., “AIDA –Antennas diagnostics enhancement by combined use of AI and experts’ knowledge”, 73th International Astronautical Congress, 18-22 September 2022, Paris

68. C. Brighenti, M. Ricatto, D. Quintabà, A. Zorzi, A. Brighenti, “Improving constellations health status monitoring and fault prevention”, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022.

67. Brighenti A., Brighenti C., Ricatto M., Quintabà D., “Context Based Predictive diagnosis”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, February 2022

66. A.F. Mulone, G. Chiesura, R. De March, R. Messineo, A.G. Villa, C. Brighenti, D. Gumusbas, M. Deffacis, C. Maddaleno “Spacecraft system and subsystems models optimization by ait/aiv and operations big data analysis”, Big Data from Space (BiDS’21), 18–20 May 2021, doi:10.2760/125905

65. Brighenti C., Ricatto M., Zorzi A., Brighenti F., Barison M., Amoruso L., Carbone M., “Constellation monitoring with CASTeC”, International Astronautical Congress – IAC 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-29 October 2021

64. Brighenti C., Ricatto M., Zorzi A., Amoruso L., Carbone M., “Grasping S/C behaviour with CASTeC, from AIT to Operations”, Workshop on Simulation and EGSE for Space Programmes (SESP), 30 March – 1 April 2021, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

63. Brighenti A., Quintabà D., “Fine-tuning Dynamic Simulations”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Oct. 2020, pp. 74-79.

62. Brighenti A., Duranti D., Quintabà D., “TGSim Plus – Real-Time Dynamic Simulation Suite of Gas Turbine Systems for the MATLAB®/Simulink® Environment”, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2020, 5(3), 24.

61. Calvo Bascones P., Sanz-Bobi M.A., Brighenti C., Ricatto M., “A Machine Learning Method Applied to the Evaluation of the Condition in a Fleet of Similar Vehicles”, 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Nov. 2020.

60. Brighenti A., Duranti D., Quintabà D., “Dynamic simulation”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Dec. 2019, pp 65-68.

59. Brighenti A., Duranti D., Quintabà D., “TGSim Plus- Real-time Dynamic Simulation Suite of Gas Turbine Systems for the MATLAB®/Simulink® Environment”, 9th EVI-GTI international gas turbine instrumentation conference, Graz (Austria) 20-21 Nov. 2019.

58. Brighenti A., Duranti D., Quintabà D., “Real-Time simulation of Gas Turbine systems”, 35th CAE Conference, Vicenza (Italy) 28-29 Oct. 2019.

57. Brighenti C., L. Amoruso, D. Evans, A. Brighenti, M. Ricatto, D. Moretto, F. Ferrari, M. Carbone, “CASTeC – A tool for automatic spacecraft telemetry analysis and novelty detection”, ESAW 2019, Darmstadt (Germany), 21-22 May 2019.

56. Brighenti, L. Amoruso, D. Evans, A. Brighenti, D. Moretto, M. Ricatto, F. Ferrari, M. Carbone,“Advances in context aware spacecraft telemetry checking”, 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018.

55. Brighenti A., Tanveer-ul-Haque,“Simulation of large compression plants transients”, Enginsoft Newsletter, Year 13 Nr. 3 Autumn 2016.

54. Brighenti A., Bondi S., Fioravanti L., Amidei S., Gennari G., Panikulam J.V, “Simulator of the Oregen – system for Waste Heat Recovery from Gas Turbines”, 32nd CAE Conference, Parma (Italy) 17-18 Oct. 2016.

53. Evans D., Martinez J., Korte-Stapff M., Brighenti A., Brighenti C., Biancat J.: “Data Mining to Drastically Improve Spacecraft Telemetry Checking: An Engineer’s Approach”, 14thInternational Conference on Space Operations, Daejeon (Korea), 16-20 May 2016. (download)

52. Martinez-Heras J., Donati A., Damann V., Biancat J., Brighenti C., Brighenti A., Ferrari F., Chientaroli R., Arcuri G., Silipo F., Trenti T., Zennaro M.: “Data Mining for Astronauts Medical Autonomy”, 14th International Conference on Space Operations, Daejeon (Korea), 16-20 May 2016.(download)

51. Brighenti A.: “Overview of Trends in Onboard Diagnostics with respect to Multicore Systems computing Performances”,Annual Automotive Embedded Multi-Core Systems Summit, Stuttgart (DE), 12th-13th May 2016. (download)

50. Biancat J.: “Usare i dati per migliorare affidabilità , prestazioni ed efficienza”, Seminar on the Information Technology applied to Automotive and Heavy Duty, REI Reggio Emilia (IT), 5 May 2016. (download)

49. Biancat J., Brighenti C., Brighenti A., José-Antonio Martì­nez-Heras, Alessandro Donati, David Evans: Priority scores based on novelty detection to improve the efficiency of ground-operation, 2016 Conference on Big Data from Space – BiDS 16, Tenerife (ES), 15-17 March 2016, pp. 137-140.

48. Brighenti A., Bressan R., Tufo A.: “Compressor dampeners optimization: Part 2”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, May 2016, pp 41-44. (download)

47. Biancat J., Brighenti C., Brighenti A, José-Antonio Martì­nez-Heras, Alessandro Donati: “Dealing with data”, LNG industry, Jan. 2016, pp. 65-71 (download)

46. Brighenti A., Bressan R., Tufo A.: “Compressor dampeners optimization: Part 1”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, March 2015 (download)

45. Biancat J., Brighenti C., Brighenti A.: “Knowledge Extraction”, LNG industry, Jan. 2015, Vol. 11, Nr. 1, pp. 67-70 (download)

44. Biancat J., Brighenti C., Brighenti A.: “Review of transportation mode detection techniques”, USCIAMO: Urban Sustainable, CollaboratIve, and Adaptive MObility workshop at the 11th International Conference on the Design of Cooperatie Systems (COOP 2014), Nice, France 27th May 2014, published on EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 03-10 2014, Volume 1, Issue 4, e3 (download)

43. Brighenti A., Brighenti C., Bressan R.: “A Guiding Hand”, LNG industry, 2014 March (download)

42. Brighenti A., Vitali L.: “Detuning Plants”, LNG industry, 2013 May/June (download)

41. Brighenti A., Brighenti C.: “A Finger on the Pulse”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, 2012 July (download)

40. Brighenti A., Cazzin D: “Theory in Practice”, Hydrocarbon Engineering 2011 Dec. (download)

39. Brighenti A., Cazzin D: “A Reflection of Reality”, Hydrocarbon Engineering 2011 Oct. (download)

38. Brighenti A., Bittante F., Parrozzani R.: “Advanced Simulation of Reciprocating Compressor”, Compressor Magazine, 2011 March (download in chinese)

37. Brighenti A., Cazzin D., Joachim R.: “Full Steam Ahead”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, 2011 Jan. (download)

36. Brighenti A., Bittante F., Parrozzani R.: “ADVANCED SIMULATION TECHNIQUES – detail advanced simulation techniques for reciprocating compressors”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, 2009 Nov. (download)

35. Kim J., Ragnoni A., Biancat J.: “In vehicle monitoring of affective symptioms for diabetic drivers”; HEALTHINF 2010 – Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Health Informatics, Valencia, Spain, January 20-23, 2010. (HEALTHINF 2010), ISBN: 978-989-674-016-0, pp. 367-372.

34. Brighenti A.: “ Model-Based Diagnostics – A real opportunity for efficient vehicles management”, SAE 2009 On-Board Diagnostics Symposium, Indianapolis (IN, USA) 22-24 Sep. 2009. (download)

33. Brighenti A. & others: “Exploiting existing information through a vehicle network to identify faults & improve maintenance”, Mobility, Issue 15, July 2009. (download)

32. Visconti A., Brighenti A.: “Nanotechnology in Ferrari: applications in F1 and perspectives for GT cars”, conference: Nanotechnologies: Competitiveness & innovation for industrial growth, Rome, 31st Mar.-3rd Apr. 2009. (download)

31. Biancat J., Raouzaiou A., Protopappas V., Ragnoni A., Tarvainen M., Kim J. “An on-board multimodal platform for predicting hypoglycemic events on diabetic drivers”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, athens, 25 – 28 February 2009.

30. Brighenti A. & others: “Simulating Snøhvit compressors: Part Two, LNG industry, Spring (Mar) 2008, pp. 89-94. (download)

39. Brighenti A. & others: “Simulating Snøhvit compressors: Part One, LNG industry, Autumn (Oct.) 2007, pp. 47-52. (download)

28. Brighenti A., Manara L., Schirru M.: “A solution for Saras – Solving a pressure pulsation problem of a visbraking TAR pumping system, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Vol. 11, Nr. 11, 2006 Nov, pp. 39-43. (download)

27. Brighenti A., Giolo R., Vanzin C: “Mind the numbers – Traps to be avoided in the dynamic simulation of gas compression systems, Hydrocarbon Engineering, Feb. 2006, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, pp. 64-69. (download)

26. Madonna Ripa, A. Brighenti & others: “Misura della velocità del suono e analisi delle pulsazioni indotte dal sistema di pompaggio di visbreaking tar in carica ad un impianto di gassificazione per ciclo combinato”, 32nd Congress of the Italian Acoustic Association, Bologna, 15-17 June 2005. (download)

25. Brighenti A., Pavan A., Vanzin C: “Surging forwards in compressor protection”, Hydrocarbons Engineering, Vol. 10, Nr. 5, 2005, May, pp. 95-101. (download)

24. Brighenti A., Pavan A., Vanzin C: “Application of dynamic process simulation and numerical optimization techniques in the design of recycle antisurge loops for centrifugal compressors, 1st Process 2005 Conference, Bologna 16th-18th Feb. 2005. (download)

23. Brighenti A., Fogar L., Marcassa F., Nadalin M.: Rilevamento di guasti basato su modelli per processi complessi, Automazione e Strumentazione, Gennaio 2005.

22. Brighenti A., Fogar L., Marcassa F. “GPMAS An integrated environment for the setup of model based fault detection tools, IAR-ICD/IFATIS/MAGIC Conference Proceedings, Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis – ACD Workshop 2004, November 18-19, 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany. (download)

21. Kppen-Seliger B., Stücher R., Gentil S., Brighenti A., Längle T.: “MAGIC architecture and pilot application”, IAR-ICD/IFATIS/MAGIC Conference Proceedings, Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis – ACD Workshop 2004, November 18-19, 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany.

20. Brighenti A., Fogar L., Nadalin M.: “Model Based Fault Detection of Complex Processes – Practical Examples”, 48th ANIPLA Congress “Automazione e ottimizzazione di processo per una gestione efficiente dei cicli produttivi”, Milan 14-15 Sep. 2004. (download)

19. Albert M., Brighenti A., Capobianco M. & others: “Multi-Agent Systems for Industrial Diagnostics” SAFEPROCESS 2003 – 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Washington, D.C., USA 9-11 June, 2003. (download)

18. Albert M., Brighenti A. & others: “DIAMOND – Distributed Multi-Agent Architecture for Monitoring and Diagnosis” to be published in 2nd sem. 2003, on the Journal of Production Planning and Control, Special Issue on Application of MAS to PP&C. (download)

17. Brighenti A., Maffeis M., Pavan A.: “Investigation on the influence of pressure pulsations on multistage reciprocating compressors – Comparison between test and simulation results” – European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors – 3rd EFRC Conference, Wien 27-28 March, 2003. (download)

16. Brighenti A., Pavan A., Visconti A.: “Drive: An Integrated System Approach to Automotive Powertrain Simulation” 2003 SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, 3-6 March 2003. (download)

15. Brighenti A., Pavan A.: ”ACUSCOMP and ACUSYS: A powerful hybrid linear/non linear simulation suite to analyse pressure pulsations in piping”, ISMA 2002 – International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven (Belgium), September 16-18, 2002. (download)

14. Brighenti A., Boatto P.: “Dynamic, gas dynamic and thermo dynamic simulations in the automotive field” 3rd Italian MATLAB users Conference, Bologna 8-9 Feb. 2000. (download)

13. Brighenti A. & others: “Application of Simulation in Multi-Agent Systems”, 1st Multi Agent Systems Conference, Wien (AU) 2nd-4th Dec. 1999. (download)

12. Brighenti A.: “Analysis of the propagation of internal acoustic pulsations in fluid systems by advanced simulation techniques”, G.I.S.I.: Workshop on Noise of Fluid-dynamic Equipment in Industrial Processes, Cinisello Balsamo (Milan), 6 May 1997. (download)

11. Brighenti A., Contiero D: “Preliminary validation of ACUSYS to analyse instabilities in the non linear combustion zone-plant acoustic interaction”, ISMA 21 – Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference, Leuven (Belgium), 18-20 September 1996. (download)

10. Brighenti A.: “COMPSYS – Compression plant simulator”, 2nd Italian MATLAB Conference, Bologna, 6-7 Nov. 1995. (download)

9. Brighenti A.: “ACUSYS – Application of MATLAB-SIMULINK for the simulation of acoustic pulsation within plants”, 23rd Congress of the Italian Acoustic Association, Bologna, 12-14 Sep 1995. (download)

8. Balsamo F., Brighenti A., Landri G., Paciolla A., Quaranta F.: “The propulsion of coastal and inland water transportation vessels – Working data acquisition and preliminary design of innovative systems to reduce pollutant emissions”, 21st Congress of CIMAC, Interlaken (Switzerland), 15-18 May 1995. (download)

7. Brighenti A., Osti P.: “ACUSYS – Application of MATLAB-SIMULINK for the simulation of acoustic pulsation in plants” , 1st Italian MATLAB Conference, Bologna, 14 Oct. 1994. (download)

6. Borghi M., Brighenti A., Cantore G., Osti P.: “Simulation of the thermodynamic cycle of small Diesel engines working on artificial gas mixtures”, 1993 Conference of the Italian Thermotechnical Association (ATI), Taormina, September 1993. (download)

5. Brighenti A., Cantore G., Osti P.: “Diesel engine cycle simulation with non-air mixtures”, 1992 Conference of the Italian Thermotechnical Association (ATI), Parma 16-18 September 1992. (download)

4. Beccegato L., Brighenti A., Dalla Rosa A.: “Gas flow turbine power generator for autonomous subsea production systems”, 1991 Deep Offshore Technology Conference, Monaco. (download)

3. Brighenti A., Cantore G., Dalla Rosa A., Osti P.: “Dynamic simulation of a closed cycle Diesel system with cryogenic liquefaction of the exhaust gases”, 1991 Conference of the Italian Thermotechnical Association (ATI), Gaeta 25-27 September 1991. (download)

2. Brighenti A., Cantore G., Osti P.: “The Cryothermal closed cycle Diesel engine. Detailed analysis of stationary working conditions”, Defence Oceanology International Conference, Brighton (UK), 6-8 March 1991. (download)

1. Brighenti A., Dalla Rosa A., Minelli G.: “The Cryo-thermal Engine underwater power system: performances, dynamics and control”, Oceans ’89 Conf., Seattle (WA), Sep. 1989. (download)