SATE will participate to the forthcoming INTERNATIONAL CAE CONFERENCE 2016 (Computer Aided Engineering) on the 17th and 18th of October at the Paganini Congressi in Parma (Via Toscana, 5/A, 43122 Parma ITALY).

This important annual event has become a flagship for Simulation based Engineering and Sciences covering industry, academia, research and software vendors.

SATE will present the work, carried out for Nuovo Pignone (General Electrics), for the development and implementation of the Simulator of the ORegen system for Waste Heat Recovery from Gas Turbines.

You are welcome to visit SATE at its booth.

Abstract of the paper that will be presented.

ORegenâ„¢ is an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) based thermodynamic superheat cycle that recovers waste heat from gas turbine exhaust and converts it into electric energy. Heat from the turbine exhaust is transferred to a closed diathermic oil loop, which is used to heat an organic fluid loop. This lower temperature heat is converted into useful work and electricity, like in a conventional steam bottoming cycle. The diathermic oil and the organic fluid allow low temperature heat sources to be exploited efficiently to produce electricity over a power range from a few MW up to 16 MW per unit.

The ORegen simulator is a large scale model, based on COMPSYS-MCwI™ application for SIMULINK®, useful to analyse transients plant dynamics, such as in start-up and shut down. It describes several interacting phenomena and subsystems with about 2000 states. It implements two phase fluid thermodynamics, with working fluid near the critical point mixed with inert gas, entering the circuit through rotary gas barrier seals and during depressurized shut downs. Valves and turbomachinery performances are modelled by gas thermo-fluid dynamics components, based on performance curve and maps.

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